Moe’s Books Workers Join the IWW

(Berkeley, CA, March 10, 2021) The workers of Moe’s Books are thrilled to announce that they have recently organized, with almost unanimous support, and joined the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). As of March 9, they have been recognized by the owner of Moe’s Books, Doris Moskowitz, and are looking to the community for support as they begin the process of negotiating their contract. Their key demands include job security and more control over COVID-19 safety protocols.

The workers of Moe’s came to this decision primarily due to concerns about health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past year, there have been many incidents where employees and valued Moe’s customers were put in danger by poor safety protocol. When staff members advocated for the safety of themselves and others, they were often ignored and even retaliated against. The most immediate goal of the Moe’s Books union will be to get fair and equal input on the formation and enforcement of safety protocols, without fear of dismissal or retaliation.

Moe’s Books workers believe wholeheartedly that the best and safest way for Moe’s to proceed through this pandemic will be collaboration and mutual respect in addressing ever-changing circumstances. The reputation of Moe’s Books as a bastion of radical bookselling since 1959 has always been tied to the devotion and love of its workers, and they are unionizing with the view of keeping Moe’s a place where workers are respected and treated well.

The best way for you to support the Moe’s Books union right now is to come to Moe’s, buy a book, and tell the staff how excited you are that they’re unionizing! You can also spread the word.

Moe’s Books Workers are a coalition of booksellers, buyers, and everything in between. Some of them have worked at the historic bookselling institution for decades, some for just a few months; but they are all committed to maintaining Moe’s as a space for radical bookselling.

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