Dill Pickle Food Coop Workers Complaints Found To Have Merit

CHICAGO, IL — The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has found merit in complaints filed by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) against the cooperative grocery store, Dill Pickle Food Coop.

While Management falsely asserted that the union’s complaints had been dismissed, the NLRB found merit to our members’ allegations that the Dill Pickle Food Coop disciplined a union steward in retaliation for his union activities in addition to contravening their obligation to negotiate policy and working hours with the union by unilaterally implementing policy changes and reducing hours for the grocery department.

The NLRB also found merit in a charge for threat of job loss in retaliation for protected concerted activities.

While the Dill Pickle Coop workers attempted to work with the grocer’s Board of Directors to stem the numerous contractual and legal issues before they escalated further, the Board chose to back Management decisions.

The Industrial Workers of the World has demonstrated resolve to back our members inside and outside the courtroom with picket action on both Cesar Chavez Day and International Workers’ Day, job action, and a successful strike authorization vote.

Moving forward, the IWW backs its members in demanding that the Dill Pickle Coop Board of Directors take action to hold their Management staff accountable for these egregious violations of worker’ rights and issue an apology for their deflections and failure to take any meaningful action when informed of these issues.

The IWW is also backing our members in demanding that all discipline for Union Secretary & Shop Steward Gabe Galloway be expunged from his record, that management immediately begin bargaining over all unilateral policy changes, and that back-pay be awarded to all workers who lost hours due to management cutting hours without bargaining.

Follow the latest on Twitter at @DillPickle_IWW.

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